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3 Secrets to Efficient Packing for a Move

Moving and stress go hand in hand. Putting your life into boxes is challenging enough, but thinking about unpacking it all later can induce nightmares. Industry insiders know the secret to a relaxed and easy move boils down to efficient packing. Here are three of their top secrets to help you get started.

1. Get Ready Ahead of Time

Every minute spent preparing for a move will pay off both during and after the big event. Make a list of the supplies that you’ll need by mentally walking your way through the process of packing up each room. Sturdy boxes, tape, packing material and scissors are a must, but there are a few frequently forgotten items that send people scurrying to the hardware store on moving day when they’d rather be helping to load the truck.

At least a week in advance, assemble protective gloves, bungee cords and blankets to secure large items, markers to label boxes and a hand-truck or cart. Pack a box full of disposable cleaning supplies, including wipes, glass cleaner, and paper towels to clean items as you pack.

Finally, prepare a 24-hour box to see you through the last day in your old home and the first day in the new. This box helps to keep essentials handy so that you can avoid wasting time searching through boxes for things like deodorant and medication.

Source: Livability

2. Clear Out Clutter

Why move what you don’t have to? Clean out clutter well in advance of the big day by giving away unwanted items. There are several charities that will make good use of your donations. Some may pick up large items for you, and if you keep records of what you give, you might be able to claim your donation as a tax deduction.

Source: Moving Company Reviews

3. Label by Room

Packing by room and not by category is the most efficient way to pack. By labeling boxes by room and general content, they can immediately be taken to the right place when you arrive at your destination. Because you labeled boxes clearly, you’ll know what’s in them, and because you took the time to clean items before they were packed, unpacking them should be as easy as putting them where they belong.

Source: On the Move

Moving is nobody’s idea of fun, but being well-prepared and packing efficiently should help take the stress down a notch and make the entire process of unpacking a whole lot easier.

Are you thinking about relocating your business? Check out this article to learn why you should move to Idaho.

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