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3 Tips for Weathering the COVID-19 Outbreak

As the spread of the deadly coronavirus continues to march across the globe, many business owners are seeing a sharp decline in their bottom line. While this will continue to be a challenging time, there are steps that you can take to mitigate the damage to your company’s overall goals. Here are three tips to help you to weather the COVID-19 outbreak.

Lower Your Overhead

Managing your cash flow is imperative during this uncertain time. You can do this by taking the necessary steps to lower your overall business expenses by cutting costs. One way to do this is to reduce your workforce. The first step should be to ask for employee volunteers who are acceptable to furlough in order to stay home with their families. If you have contractors workers, they might have to be sidelined. Other ideas to consider include looking into your daily operating costs and finding ways to reduce these during this time. Lowering your business overhead doesn’t have to be painful, and you don’t even have to lose that much if you have a recovery plan in place.

Look Into Resources

With the recent passage of the Congressional stimulus bill, there are more resources than ever before designed to help businesses get through this crisis. What you may be eligible to receive largely depends on the size and scope of your business. Your bank is a good place to start when looking into resources. If they cannot help you directly, they should be able to point you in the right direction. Another good resource to find out what assistance you qualify for is the United States Chamber of Commerce. Possible options include a government bailout or a loan.

Change the Direction of Your Business

Now is not the time to stick with the status quo. Those companies that act quickly to adapt to the changing market will see the most success. How you change the direction of your business largely depends on what your company offers others. Leveraging the internet to have a bigger online presence is a good way to keep your company relevant and reaching your target market. It is also important to make sure that your current marketing and promotional strategies are sensitive to impacts that many feel because of this global pandemic.

By implementing these tips, you can put your business in the position to weather the storm and come out of this health and economic crisis ready to succeed. Taking the right steps now will help to ensure success down the road.

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