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What You Never Knew About Idaho’s Favorite Foods

While the beautiful state of Idaho is most known for its natural scenic landscape and abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities, the Gem State also boasts a cornucopia of unique food and drink. This diverse state produces more than just the ubiquitous potato. Here are four of Idaho’s favorite foods and why you should try them today:


As the official state fruit of Idaho, it is no surprise that the flavorful huckleberry has a place in many kitchens. Idahoans can infuse nearly any food and drink with this sweet fruit. Especially in the summer when huckleberry is in season, you will find it on menus throughout the state. Jaeger Orthodontists points out that some of the most common ways to use the fruit are in ice cream, baked into dessert items, as a salsa accompanying a variety of dishes, or even added as a beer flavoring.

Idaho Sturgeon Caviar

This delicacy may take some getting used to, but it is addictive once you develop a palette for it. Known for its clean and fresh flavor and firm texture, this caviar is most often harvested from the Snake River. Also known as the American Beluga, this type of caviar is raised in local spring waters. For the best taste, the caviar should be consumed on its own using a special spoon to leverage its powerful taste.

Idaho Ice Wine

While most people associate ice wine with the neighbor to the north, Canada, the delicate wine is also produced in Idaho. Ste Chapelle says that this type of wine is made using grapes that were allowed to freeze on the vine before being harvested. Because of the freezing point, the sweet flavor of the wine is greatly intensified. There are various local wineries that sell this indulgent treat.


From New York to Chicago to Detroit, every region likes to claim that their brand of pizza is the best. Sam’s Pizza explains that Naples is considered the birthplace of pizza, but Idaho has certainly perfected this popular food. Idahoans delight in adding habanero to their pizzas when it is in season in August. This pizza is not for the faint of heart and is best enjoyed with a pint of huckleberry beer in hand.

Whatever your culinary fancy, Idaho is sure to satiate your appetite. The only thing left for you to do is to lift your spoon and enjoy the many flavors of this diverse region.

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